Questions in preparation for Sunday's Service
From the Catechism
What is the First Commandment?
shall have no other gods.
What does this mean?
We should fear, love, and trust in God
above all things.
For self-examination*
+ Have I loved God with all my heart,
all my soul, all my strength? Where have
I looked for comfort, good and delight?
+ Do I look to God my heavenly Father,
for all love, good, and joy?
+ Do I see my worry and fretting as sin
against trusting God?
+ Do I occupy myself with living from
God and for God or does my attention focus on health, fun, money, things sexual,
friendship, measuring things always by what pleases me?
+ Do I complain about the troubles,
people, work, and suffering God lays on me?
+ Do I love the things God gives more
than I love Him? And do I hate what God
takes away, even though He gives me Himself?
+ In my thinking and choosing, have I
sought first the will of my heavenly Father, the Kingdom of Dod, and His
*Questions from Lutheran Service Book Pastoral Care Companion, p. 657ff