Pastor Phone

Pastor Norlyn Bartens (618) 553-9932
Worship times: Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Saturday Evening before 1st and 3rd Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Missionary Visit on Sunday, January 22

Sunday, January 22, we will be fortunate to have Jana Inglehart visit our church.  She will be doing a presentation during the Sunday School time 9:30-10:15AM.  She will also give a 15 minute presentation following church.  A free will offering will be collected following church.  Jana will soon be heading to the Dominican Republic.

Jana Inglehart

Jana Inglehart

Serving the Lord in the Dominican Republic


Jana Inglehart serves the Lord through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) as a career missionary in the Dominican Republic. Jana serves as the regional communication specialist for the Latin America and the Caribbean region. In this role, she assists national churches and missionary pastors in church planting through the provision of media tools they can use to give witness to the Gospel (i.e., materials, flyers, Web pages). She works with pastors to create visual aids and written materials to help the laity to grow in God’s Word. Jana is also helping to establish a lay Bible vocation-based online institute for individuals who have little or no access to a trained pastor or evangelist. She provides technical support and assistance to four seminaries to help them promote their teachings online which, in turn, greatly multiplies the number of people who can be reached with sound Biblical teaching.

Another facet of Jana’s work is taking photographs and shooting videos of the mission work taking place in this region, as well as writing and editing articles for LCMS print media, websites and blog sites. These tasks help to spread the word about what God is doing through His people in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Jana was born in Sacramento, Calif., and her hometown is West Monroe, La. Her home congregation is St. Paul Lutheran Church, Winside, Neb. Jana received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Northeast Louisiana University, Monroe. In 2001, she finished her Lutheran Teacher’s Colloquy. Before serving as a missionary, Jana served as the director of public relations for Orphan Grain Train, Norfolk, Neb. (2010-2014); the director of Jesus Our Savior Lutheran Preschool on the Winnebago Reservation, Winnebago, Neb. (1998-2010); and as a missionary in Papua New Guinea (1984-1986). In her free time, Jana enjoys hiking, bicycling, swimming, writing and graphic design.


Pray for Jana as she serves in the Dominican Republic and the Latin America and the Caribbean region. Pray God gives her strength and peace as she learns the culture and the language. Ask God to help her learn the Spanish language so she can effectively communicate and share God’s Word with the people she is called to serve. Pray that God uses Jana’s gifts and talents to help further His kingdom. Pray for the hearts of people here in the United States who will partner with Jana in prayer and financial support so they can participate in the Kingdom work with her. Let us give thanks to God that Jana has answered His call to serve His children in this part of the world.