Pastor Phone

Pastor Norlyn Bartens (618) 553-9932
Worship times: Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Saturday Evening before 1st and 3rd Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Youth Dinner Tomorrow Spaghetti ! !

 Join the Grace Lutheran Youth Group for Spaghetti, Garlic Bread and Dessert tomorrow night from 5:30-7:00PM.  Pictures below are from last weeks Supper.  A free will offering will be accepted.  Monies earned go toward funding youth events.

Sermon - February 26, 2012

To listen to the sermon click here.
Preacher: Vicar Dan Murray
Text: Mark 1:9-15

Prepare for Wednesday - February 29

Prepare for Wednesday

From the Catechism

What is the Eighth Commandment?
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
What does this mean?
We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest way.

For self-examination*
+ Have I told the truth in court or before authorities when I knew the truth?  Or have I been afraid to bear witness when it was necessary?
+ Have I gossiped, delighting to tell others about the faults or mistakes of another, excusing myself especially by saying that what I told was only the truth?
+ Have I gone to others to make peace if I wronged them or they wronged me; or to correct them if I knew of their wrong?
+ Have I flattered others, or put on a front to make them think of me differently from what is true?
+ Have I found ways of explaining in the best possible way those works or actions of others that hurt me?
+ Have I defended my neighbor when things said about my neighbor have made others think badly of him or her?
+ Have I learned to bear with the weaknesses and faults of another, covering over their shame?
+ Have I been faithful in keeping the secrets of another’s heart entrusted to me in confidence?  Have I betrayed such trust?

*Questions from Lutheran Service Book Pastoral Care Companion, p. 657ff

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Youth Group Lock-in

Below you will find pictures of the Grace Lutheran sponsored Youth Lock-in at the Norfolk YMCA.  Youth from Good Shepherd, Lincoln; Golgotha, Wasau; Immanuel, Spencer; Christ, Lynch; and Grace, Neligh attended.  As you can see from pictures a good time was had by all.  A Bible Study on David and Goliath was led by Pastor Kuhfal.

Prepare for Sunday - February 26, 2012

To help you prepare for Sunday click on the picture to read the readings.
Sermon Title: "Lead us not into Temptation"
Sermon Text: Mark 1:9-15

Lenten Devotions
You can pick up a copy of Higher Things Reflections at Church Wednesday night.  They are also available online at the Higher Things Website.  Click on the picture below to go the the Higher Things website.  Then follow the instructions below. 

On the website look for the section pictured below.  There you can press the play button to hear the devotion or you can click the "Read today's Gospel Reflection" to download it to read.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

President Harrison Shares Lenten Blessings

An excellent encouraging video on Lent by LCMS President Matthew Harrison

Here is the "I T C P" prayer form he mentioned from Luther:
  • Instruction
  • Thanksgiving
  • Confession
  • Prayer 

Here is the prayer from the Litany that he mentioned: "To rule and govern Your holy Christian Church; to preserve all pastors and ministers of Your Church in the true knowledge and understanding of Your wholesome Word and to sustain them in holy living."

Monday, February 20, 2012

Prepare for Ash Wednesday - February 22

Prepare for Ash Wednesday

Before each Lenten Service you will find a post that will cover the Commandment, the Meaning of the Commandment from Luther's Small Catechism, and questions that you can use for self-examination before the service.  Here is the first for Ash Wednesday.


From the Catechism 9th Commandment

What is the Ninth Commandment?
You shall not covet your neighbor’s house.
What does this mean?
We should fear and love God so that we do not scheme to get our neighbor’s inheritance or house, or get it in a way which only appears right, but help and be of service to him in keeping it.

For self examination* 
+ Have I longed for the honor, wealth, happy life, or what seemed the ease of the lives of others?  Has my life been full of the craving for these things?
+ Have I been stingy and self-indulgent with my money, trying to keep up with what others had?
+ Have I tried by claims to various rights to make the property of another my own?
+ Have I rejoiced with a generous and good heart in the good thins that come to my neighbors?
+ Do I have to keep wishing for and dreaming about things I don’t have before I can work with a diligent  or glad heart?
+ Have I lived in grudging discontent with whatever God has given me, restless about what I don’t have and neglectful of thankful generosity with what I do have?

From the Catechism 10th Commandment 
What is the Tenth Commandment?
You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
What does this mean?
We should fear and love God so that we do not entice or force away our neighbor’s wife, workers, or animals, or turn them against him, but urge them to stay and do their duty.

For self examination*
+ Have I wanted my neighbor’s spouse, his workers, or his property to be mine?
+ Have I tried to win the affections and loyalties of my neighbor’s spouse or friends away from the neighbor and to me?
+ Have I tried to make spouses and workers discontent with their lot to get them to search for another?
+ Have I urged friends and spouses and workers to go back to their calling, holding their friendships, marriages, or work together?
+ Have I fostered discontent with the congregation and its pastor, and failed to urge members to stay and do their duty?

*Questions from Lutheran Service Book Pastoral Care Companion, p. 657ff

Lenten Sermon Series: Ten Commandments

This year's Lenten Sermon Series*
Join us Wednesday Nights at 7:30PM
The Youth will be serving a meal starting at 5:30 each Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday they will serve Soup, sandwiches, and dessert.

Ninth and Tenth Commandments  - Ash Wednesday - February 22
God's Gift of Contentment
Eighth Commandment  - Lent 1 - February 29
God's Gift of a Good Reputation
Seventh Commandment - Lent 2 - March 7
God's Gift of Possessions
Sixth Commandment - Lent 3 - March 14
God's Gift of Marriage
Fifth Commandment - Lent 4 - March 21
God's Gift of Life
Fourth Commandment - Lent 5 - March 28
God's Representatives
Third Commandment - Maundy Thursday - April 5
God's Word
Second Commandment - Good Friday - April 6
God's Name
First Commandment - Resurrection of Our Lord - April 8

*A sermon series adapted from a series written by Pastor Brent Kuhlman

Sermon - February 19, 2012

To listen to the sermon click here
Preacher: Vicar Dan Murray
Text: Mark 9:2-9

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Prepare for Sunday - February 19, 2012

To help you prepare for Sunday click on the picture to read the readings.Sermon Title: Coming Down the Mountain
Sermon Text: Mark 9:2-9

Thursday, February 16, 2012

President Harrison's Testimony Before House Committee

After hearing President Harrison's Testimony before the House Committee, I am happy to say he is Our President.  Listen to the "Opening Testimony" first.

Opening Testimony

Snippet of answer to questions

President Harrison's answers to questions

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

LCMS President Harrison to Speak to Congress of the United States

Synod President Matthew C. Harrison will be one of several religious leaders to testify during the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's hearing, "Lines Crossed: Separation of Church and State. Has the Obama Administration Trampled on Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience?" 

The hearing will be held Thursday, Feb. 16, between 9:30-11:30 a.m. EST at the Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. It can be streamed lived at the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform's website here.

A video message, press release and media coverage about this issue can be found at

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services enacted a rule in January 2012 under the “Affordable Care Act” requiring employers to provide access to health insurance that covers most forms of birth control, even those that can cause the death of an unborn child. The rule, or mandate, exempts churches but applies to other religious employers. On Feb. 10, President Obama announced an “accommodation” for religious employers, saying they would not have to cover birth control, but that insurance companies would provide free birth control, including “morning after” pills. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) objects to the use of drugs and procedures that are used to take the lives of unborn children, who are persons in the sight of God from the time of conception.

Today the Church Commemorates Philemon and Onesimus

Philemon was a prominent first-century Christian who owned a slave named Onesimus. Although the name "Onesimus" means "useful," Onesimus proved himself "useless" when he ran away from his master and perhaps even stole from him (Philemon 18).  Somehow Onesimus came into contact with the apostle Paul while the latter was in prison (possibly in Rome), and through Paul's proclamation of the Gospel he became a Christian. After confessing to the apostle that he was a runaway slave, he was directed by Paul to return to his master and become "useful" again. In order to help pave the way for Onesimus' peaceful return home, Paul sent him on his way with a letter addressed to Philemon, a letter in which he urged Philemon to forgive his slave for having run away and "to receive him as you would receive me" (v. 17), "no longer as a slave, but as a beloved brother" (v. 16). The letter was eventually included by the church as one of the books of the New Testament.  To read that letter click here.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Parents: Designing the Ultimate Stroller

Did you catch this article on parenting in the January 2011 Lutheran Witness?  It is an interesting article.  Which category do you find your family?
A. Frustrated Family
B. Busy, Busy Family
C. Sponge Family
Enter your answer in the comments section below.

Update: Health Human Services Decision and Religious Freedom

Missouri Synod President Matthew Harrison says church remains 'deeply concerned' about health plan mandate despite White House statement.  To read the article click on President Harrison's picture.

Today the Church Commemorates: Saint Valentine

St Valentine.jpg
A physician and priest living in Rome during the rule of the Emperor Claudius, Valentine become one of the noted martyrs of the third century. The commemoration of his death, which occurred in the year 270, became part of the calendar of remembrance in the early church of the West. Tradition suggests that on the day of his execution for his Christian faith, he left a note of encouragement for a child of his jailer written on an irregularly-shaped piece of paper. This greeting became a pattern for millions of written expressions of love and caring that now are the highlight of Valentine's Day in many nations.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Update on the Future of LCMS Campus Ministry

Witness, Mercy, Life Together.
Click on the banner above for a link to Executive Director of National Mission, Pastor Bart Day's report on the Future of LCMS Campus Ministry.  Please pray that the good work the synod is starting on Campus Ministry will bear fruit and our Districts will not sell any more of our Campus ministries (like University Lutheran Chapel, University of Minnesota).  Our young people need our support.  Please keep our campus ministries in your prayers (Nebraska District Campus Ministries).  This Sunday we will remember both our College students and our synod's campus ministries in our prayers.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Today the Church Commemorates: Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos

Aquila and his wife Priscilla (Prisca), Jewish contemporaries of St. Paul, traveled widely. Because of  persecution in Rome, they went to Corinth where they met the apostle Paul, who joined them in their trade of tentmaking (Acts 18:1-3). They, in turn, joined him in his mission of proclaiming the Christian Gospel. The couple later traveled with Paul from Corinth to Ephesus (Acts 18:18), where the two of them established a home that served as hospitality headquarters for new converts to Christianity. Apollos was one of their numerous Jewish pupils in the faith. An eloquent man, Apollos "spoke with burning enthusiasm and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus" (Acts 18:25). He later traveled from Corinth to the province of Achaia, where he "showed by the Scriptures that the Messiah is Jesus" (Acts 18:28). Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos are all remembered and honored for their great missionary zeal.

Sermon - February 12, 2012

To listen to the sermon click here
Preacher: Pastor David Kuhfal
Text: Mark 1:40-45

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Prepare for Sunday - February 12, 2012

To help you prepare for Sunday click on the picture to read the readings.
Sermon Title: Be Healed
Sermon Text: Mark 1:40-45

Sunday School - February 12, 2012

This week in Sunday School children will learn about Jesus healing Jairus' daughter.  Parents if you would like to hear more about this story, to talk to your kids after Sunday School click the image above.

Mary Martha February Actions

Grace Lutheran Mary Martha group sent Subway gift cards to all our College Students and sent $300 to Lutheran Bible Translators ($150 for the Beckendorf Vehicle Fund and $150 to the Beckendorf Office fund following the fire that damaged the building).

Mary Martha Group

Pastor Tim, Lisa, Aaron and Andrew Beckendorf

Health Human Services Decision and Religious Freedom

Read LCMS President's letter regarding the Obama Administrations Health and Human Services Ruling by clicking on President Harrison's Picture below.  Also below is a short video produced the Archdiocese of St. Louis-- Freedom of Conscience will make you ask what you would do if your religious freedom was ripped away.  Regarding the supposed compromise follow the link below to Pastor Paul McCain's Cyberbrethren.

Click picture to go to blog post "What Compromise"

Friday, February 10, 2012

Today the Church Commemorates: Silas, Fellow Worker of St. Peter and St. Paul

Silas, a leader in the church at Jerusalem, was chosen by Paul (Acts 15:40) to accompany him on his second missionary journey from Antioch to Asia Minor and Macedonia. Silas, also known as Silvanus, was imprisoned with Paul in Philippi and experienced the riots in Thessalonica and Berea. After rejoining Paul in Corinth, he apparently remained there for an extended time. Beyond that there is little further mention of Silas and his association with Paul.

To listen to a 20 minute Issues Etc interview about St Silas click here.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Mercy Meals February 2012

Grace Lutheran Youth Group and members of the congregation sacked meals for 6000 people at Mercy Meals in Norfolk.  A good time was had by all as you can see.