Grace Lutheran Ladies Aid enjoyed their May 4 luncheon with 19 in attendance; 7 guests, Pastor, Vicar and 10 members. Vicar Richard led us in the table prayer.
The tables were decorated with pastel colors of floral bouquets and butterflies. Bev and Lorna gave a skit on “The butterfly and the Cocoon”.
Mary won the potted plant as the door prize.
President Diane brought the meeting to order. Lorna read the minutes of the April meeting. Erma took roll call and gave the treasurer’s report.
Diane read a thank you from the Golden Living Center and invited all volunteers to their breakfast on May 12 at 10 AM.
Bev read the Ways and Means report.
Lorna gave the correspondence report.
Uralee visited Walt in the Neligh hospital.
No quilting for the summer months. We will start again in the fall.
Bev is chairperson for church cleaning which is scheduled for May 9 and 10.
The board meeting is in Plainview July 9th.
The National LWML convention is in Peoria, Illinois, June 23-26. Lists of care packages were handed out to members interested in putting them together some discussion on keeping them here in the community at Social services.
Vicar Richard asked if the Ladies Aid members would like to help out with snacks for VBS this month. He passed out the recipes from different countries. Lorna, Jacque, Mary, Uralee, and Diane volunteered.
One “over 85 birthday” gift was given to a church member in April.
Hospital visiting for May is Jacque.
Ways and Means for April–June is Bev and Lorna.
The birthdays of Lois and Ella Mae were recognized and anniversary of Mary and Wilber.
Hostesses for next month are Uralee and Lavonne.
Closed with Lord’s Prayer.
Lorna Boggs
Vicar Richard led us in Easter Hymns |