Pastor Phone

Pastor Norlyn Bartens (618) 553-9932
Worship times: Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Saturday Evening before 1st and 3rd Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Grace to hold VBS

Grace Lutheran Church in Neligh will be holding Vacation Bible School on August 2nd-6th from 6:00-8:30 p.m.  Grace’s VBS is open to children entering Pre-K through 6th grade.  This year’s theme will be “Tree of Life.”  The daily topics will be “The Promised Seed,” “The Buried Seed,” “The Seed Sprouts,” “The Vine and the Branches,” and “The Fruit of Our Lips.”  The daily activities will consist of opening devotion, skit, lesson, craft, music, and snack/games.  The week will conclude with a closing program on Thursday evening.

This year’s VBS offering will go to St. Mark Lutheran Church of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ghana in Accra, Ghana.  The funds will be used to buy a tent and chairs that will be used for a classroom for the children.  St. Mark has fifty children in their congregation but currently does not have facilities to hold Sunday school classes.  A tent and chairs would make that possible.

Due to COVID-19 guidelines, all children must be pre-registered by July 26.  Pre-registration is essential so that plans can be made to work in accordance with COVID guidelines.  To pre-register, call the Grace Lutheran Church office at (402) 887-4791.  For anyone who prefers that their children not attend VBS in person, a packet will be made available that can be picked up at the church and used in the home.

Brett Witmer to be Ordained and Installed at Bethel Lutheran, Sutherland, IA

Grace's former vicar, Brett Witmer, will be ordained into the Office of the Holy Ministry and installed as pastor at Bethel Lutheran Church in Sutherland, IA at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, July 19, 2020.  We pray God's richest blessings upon Pastor Witmer as he shepherds Christ's people at Bethel Lutheran.