Pastor Phone

Pastor Norlyn Bartens (618) 553-9932
Worship times: Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Saturday Evening before 1st and 3rd Sunday at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Baptism - Isabella, Lilli-Ann, and Dannyka Smidt

Heavenly angels rejoiced with us as Christ poured out His gracious water of Baptism upon Isabella, Lily-Ann, and Dannyka Smidt daughters of Jennifer Smidt.  Their sponsor is Jennifer Batenhorst and witness P.J. Batenhorst.  May God in His good grace keep them in the true faith by His Holy Word.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Wed Feb 28 Lenten Journey: Return from Exile

This Wednesday, February 28, we journey from mountain to mountain.  Mountains are amazing and awe-inspiring, but to journey through them or to climb them is no easy task.  When Abraham saw Mount Moriah he was not inspired, nor was he amazed.  His heart was filled with fear and dread for on this mountain he was supposed to provide a sacrifice—the sacrifice of his son.  It was a difficult mountain to climb.  Later, Mount Moriah becomes Mount Zion where the Jerusalem temple was built.  On this mountain the LORD God will provide.  God rescues Isaac from the knife of Abraham in order that God might provide another sacrifice, a perfect Lamb without blemish or spot.  Even though Jesus was sacrificed on Mount Calvary, His blood was brought to the Holy of Holies in the temple and sprinkled for our forgiveness, life, and salvation.  It was a difficult mountain for Jesus to climb; but His journey to that mountain leads us to the mountain of the new Zion—to heaven.  Join us Wednesday at 7:30PM.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Wed Feb 21 Lenten Journey: Return from Exile

Gardens are places of beauty.  Gardens are places of rest.  Gardens are places that bring joy to our hearts as we walk through their midst.  The Garden of Eden was such a place, a place of beauty and perfection, a place of joy and peace, but man could not resist temptation and the result was a view of the beautiful garden from the outside.  No more joy, no more peace; only pain and sorrow, sweat and tears. This Wednesday, February 21, our journey is from the Garden of Eden—from which we have been exiled—to an even more beautiful garden, the garden of everlasting life.  This will not be an easy journey.  There will be much stumbling and falling, many bumps and bruises; after all, the world has been infested by sin and all the hazards that go with that reality.  It is a difficult journey, but one that has been taken first by our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Because He has first made the journey and suffered all in our place, the gates of the new, heavenly garden stand open before us.  No more tears, no more sorrow; this garden is our place of perfect rest, of joy and peace.  Join us Wednesday, February 21 at 7:30PM.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Ash Wednesday - Heart to Heart: Sackcloth and Ashes to Robes of Righteousness

Sackcloth and ashes: the signs of mourning and repentance in the pages of Scripture. Ash Wednesday, February 14, day we begin our Lenten journey; we begin our return from exile.  This is not a journey that begins with rejoicing and excitement; rather it begins with ashes.  Our Lenten journey begins with ashes on our foreheads, a sign of broken and repentant hearts.  God does not desire our sacrifices, as if we could atone for or cover our own sin.  God desires broken and contrite hearts which He will not despise.  Any efforts to cover up, to pay for, or to atone for our own sin only result in more sackcloth and ashes—even death.  It is God who responds to the ashes of our repentance by sending His only begotten Son.  Jesus Christ, on the cross, has washed our foreheads of the ashes of our sins and removed the sackcloth of our guilt and clothed us in His robes of righteousness and garments of salvation.  The pure and holy white linen garments that adorn the saints in heaven cover us as we long for the day when we will join them around the throne.  Join us at 7:30PM this Wednesday, February 14.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Potluck this Sunday, February 11

Image result for potluck

Everyone welcome for a potluck following church this Sunday, February 11.  Bring something to share.  [No one in particular is in charge of potlucks, we all join together to prepare and clean up afterward -- its part of the fun and fellowship.]